Ask Leon
Ask Leon is where I answer your financial planning and money questions.
Check out our latest articles where I answer your questions or if I have not covered a topic you are interested in, be sure to ask a question from my form below.
FOMO as an investment strategy
Fear of missing out (FOMO) can also be a fear of regret or missed opportunity – a fact I’ve been reminded of this summer with the continued rise of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
The royal commission we had to have
The Federal Government will be opening the vault on banking practices across the country as part of a Royal Commission into the sector announced by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull last month.
How many super funds do you have?
I’m guessing it’s more than one. Once upon a time, it wasn’t unusual for a person to stay in a job for life. These days, however, the story is not so simple.
Why investing is (and isn’t) like the Melbourne Cup
For punters keen to put some wisdom behind their wagers, there’s always plenty of racing experts sharing their tips on the first Tuesday in November. When it comes to investing, I also have a stable of financial heavyweights whose words of advice I turn to time and again.
The ABCs of ETFs
If you’ve recently taken an interest in making the most of your money, it can be overwhelming coming to grips with all the options available. The list of questions seems endless: how do I start investing? Should I invest in property or shares? How much do I need to invest?
Essential behaviours for building wealth
People often ask me what is the secret to financial success. In most instances, true financial prosperity is the result of hard work and commitment – it’s not something that is handed to you on a platter alongside the proverbial silver spoon.
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Every week I talk to people who want to make the most of their money. Some clients who contact me aren’t quite sure where to start, while others know exactly what they want to achieve financially. What most have in common, though, is the tendency to put the cart before the horse (so to speak).
5 ways to make the most of a financial windfall
With $50 million on the line in this week’s Powerball draw, there’s sure to be more than a few people dreaming about what they would do if their numbers came up.
WTF is Bitcoin?!!!
To the uninitiated, trying to get your head around cryptocurrency is bit like a parent trying to decipher a text message from a teenager – everything seems a little lost in translation. So if the recent news reports have left you thinking ‘WTF is bitcoin?’ – don’t worry, you’re not alone.
How much is that new car really costing you?
You work hard to earn a good income, so it’s only natural you want to treat yourself to a few nice things. But before you rush out to invest your hard-earned cash on the latest model 4WD, stop for a moment and consider one thing – how much is that new car really going to cost you?