14 Superannuation and Tax Strategies You Need to Know
By Leon Jones Superannuation is more than just a retirement nest egg—it’s a powerful tool for managing your finances and saving on tax. Here are 14 essential superannuation and tax strategies to help you make the most of your super. Boost Your Spouse’s Super and...
How do you measure up?
Superannuation fund returns in the past 12 months have been high, however Australians are failing to properly capitalise on this growth to secure their financial future.

This tax hack could boost your super before June 30
It’s that time of year again when everyone and their accountant start suggesting the best ways to supersize your tax return. Did you know, for instance, that extra payments towards your retirement nest egg can actually help send more cash your way now?

Is it time to re-think the Great Australian Dream?
A new report from the Grattan Institute has highlighted how rapidly rising house prices have created a housing affordability headache that is playing havoc with the financial futures of many Australians.

How many super funds do you have?
I’m guessing it’s more than one. Once upon a time, it wasn’t unusual for a person to stay in a job for life. These days, however, the story is not so simple.